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Cafe Emm

Emmanuel Coffee Shop is a place where everyone is welcome.
A place where young mums with their babies and toddlers meet for coffee and a chat while the toddlers play in our children’s corner, where families and older people, centre staff on their lunch breaks, those who come just to enjoy the atmosphere and the company of others, and exhausted shoppers; all appreciate our diverse menu, very reasonable prices and a place where they feel comfortable. Some of our regulars spend two or three hours at a time in the coffee shop chatting to friends and making new ones. And there is room for wheelchairs, pushchairs and even the occasional shopping trolley!
Apart from our manager and cook, we are staffed by a team of excellent volunteers. We also offer part-time placements for people with learning disabilities; providing an opportunity for them to develop confidence and self-worth in a supportive workplace environment.
We hope you will visit soon.


Monday - Friday 10.00am - 2.00pm

Starting from 6th September, join Cafe Emm for games mornings, every Monday 10-12pm.

Memory Cafe every other Wednesday 2:30 - 4pm (Starting 3rd November)
A variety of arts-based dementia-friendly activities.